What Can be the Possible Difference between Freight Forwarders and Custom Brokers

Apr 15, 2022


Freight Forwarders basically handles the strategic logistics planning and execution for the international movement of goods, on behalf of shippers

a freight forwarder will carry out freight rate negotiations, container tracking, customs documentation and freight consolidation.

In most of the cases these freight forwarders are termed as custom freight brokers.

But as said most of the Freight Forwarders are Responsible for wide range of activities which took place in between the shipping of certain shipments which these freight forwarders take care on behalf of Shippers.

Custom Freight brokers are those which are responsible for certain activities related to freight custom documentation and clearances.

Although Freight forwarder does the same but this activity of customs is not specific in case of freight forwarders.




Written by Cargoes

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